In the media
TV and podcast interviews
Podcast interview - The Infinity Search
David Goyes: A Good Life for All
In a world enthralled by the new and the next, David Goyes invites us to pause and ponder a different question: What if true sustainability isn’t just about consuming less, but about deepening our care and commitment to each other?
David’s search brings us into a conversation that challenges the core of our modern consumer habits—a conversation about what it means to live in a more just, verdant, and peaceful world.
Youtube Interview - Idea Cast Series
David R. Goyes is a researcher in the Department of Criminology, University of Oslo. He has interviewed hundreds of victims of atrocities and incarcerated people. Goyes has a long publication record with English, Portuguese, and Spanish titles, and his work has been cited thousands of times in the specialised literature. Goyes is the co-author, with Katja Franko, of Victimhood, Memory, and Consumerism: Profiting from Pablo (Oxford University Press). He is at work on a new book, Humans Behind Bars, based on interviews with people who have committed major crimes and are imprisoned in Latin America.
Podcast interview 'LawPod' (In English)
In this episode Dr Lauren Dempster interviews Dr David Rodriguez Goyes (University of Oslo) about his research on climate change from a southern perspective.
David tells us about the impact of climate change in the Global South and how criminology has to date responded to climate change. He considers how criminology’s response to climate change has, until now, been shaped by the traditional global dynamics of knowledge production. David then highlights the potential for a Southern Green Criminology to better engage with the lived realities of climate change for those most affected.
This episode is the first in a special series of LawPod recorded at the European Society of Criminology conference in Malaga in September 2022. For the remaining episodes in the series please click [to be added]
TV interview 'Foros Semana' (In Spanish)
How to prevent animal abuse in Colombia? Experts and animal right activists analyse the diverse policies in the country.
Interview in Spanish.
Podcast interview 'Kriminologene' (In Norwegian)
David Rodríguez Goyes jobber som forsker ved institutt for kriminologi og rettssosiologi ved Universitetet i Oslo. Doktorgraden hans fra samme sted fra 2018 handler om hvordan store multinasjonale selskaper tar patent på frø som fattige bønder på landsbygda i Colombia trenger for å kunne dyrke jorda, og hvilke konsekvenser denne formen for kommersialisering får.
Forskningsinteressene hans favner bredt, fra miljøkriminalitet og dyrs rettigheter, via globalisering og nord-sør relasjoner, og til urfolksrettigheter og konflikter knyttet til naturressurser. I det siste har han arbeidet mye kommersialiseringen av lidelse og det som på norsk kan kalles mørk turisme.
Artikkelen vi snakker om i episoden finner du her: Profiting From Pablo: Victimhood and Commercialism in A Global Society | The British Journal of Criminology | Oxford Academic (
TV interview in NTN24
The European Union is evaluating the inclusion of the crime of ecocide into the Statue of Rome. What does this mean? What does this imply?
Interview in Spanish.
TV interview in Efecto Naím
Del Golfo de California a la selva amazónica, los cárteles de la droga y otras redes delictivas están destruyendo los ecosistemas de América Latina y amenazando la existencia de comunidades ancestrales. Eexploramos la sorprendente relación entre el crimen organizado y el crimen ambiental.
Podcast interview 'In this Climate'
Indigenous peoples and their allies have been at the forefront of the movement to protect ecosystems and oppose new energy infrastructure in countries around the world, including the US. Because of this, they have been the targets of threats and violence.
To kick off its second season, In This Climate (ITC) podcast is shining a spotlight on land defenders, people willing to risk their lives to protect Indigenous land rights and biodiversity from the interests of big business.
Podcast interview in 'Justice Focus'
His new book: Southern Green Criminology: A Science to End Ecological Discrimination focuses on the threat the western world poses to the rest of the globe, and how Western-imposed ideas of progress are damaging the planet, especially the southern hemisphere.
And on top of that, he also participated in the Colombian peace process.