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Ediciones especiales de revistas académicas

Referencias y vínculos a las colecciones

Diálogos criminológicos verdes: voces de África

Triunfando'Voces de América y Europa’ (Goyes, Sollund y South 2019) y 'Voces de Asia' (Goyes et al. 2022), el enfoque de esta colección es África, un continente de enorme diversidad (en pueblos indígenas y comunidades locales, entornos, especies no humanas y recursos) que ha alimentado las dinámicas de explotación, conflictos, crímenes y daño durante siglos.


Toward global green criminological dialogues: Voices from Asia (en inglés)

Faithful to the principle of relying on local knowledge and experience, rather than imposing foreign mandates, this collection gathers contributors who identify themselves as members of disciplines and knowledge traditions other than green criminology: journalism, law, philosophy and beyond. Additionally, considering that the voices represented in this assemblage come from a region usually under-represented in the creation of English-language green criminological knowledge, this edition is doubly disruptive. First, it seeks to cross the boundaries of academic thinking by acknowledging ad hoc criminologist contributors who operate in other arenas, including activism. Second, it intends to destabilise Western dominance by highlighting the ideas inherent in other epistemic traditions; this is accomplished by making voices from Asian sociocultural contexts accessible to an English reader. Such a doubly disruptive work has proven to be something similar to Young’s (2011) ‘criminological imagination’, as knowledge production has flourished amid ‘rapid change and environments of diversity’, and all the articles included in this collection make a unique contribution to green criminological knowledge.


Thinking and doing Southern criminology (en inglés)

With this special issue, we seek to explore and extend theoretical and pragmatic discussions crucial for the maturation of the southern criminologies. Furthermore, we attempt to decenter the project by including new voices in the discussion of southern criminologies’ meaning and practice. As such, all the contributions included in this special issue engage with the critiques outlined above regarding Carrington and colleagues’ version of southern criminology. Hopefully, this will represent a step forward in creating further spaces for debate and for propositions regarding the decolonization of criminology.


Toward global green criminological dialogues: Voices from the Americas and Europe (en inglés)

The aim of this dual special issue project—simultaneously published in two languages in two distinguished international journals (International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy and Critica Penal y Poder) —is to support the goal of Southern criminology to level inequalities in the valuing of criminological knowledge in the Global North and the Global South (Carrington, Dixon et al. 2019; Carrington, Hogg et al. 2019; Carrington, Hogg and Sozzo 2016). In opening ‘dialogues’ and collaborations between South and North, we aim to highlight the important contributions made by writers on the environment, justice and good ways of living to the democratisation of knowledge and pursuit of cognitive justice (Santos 2009, 2014, 2018).


Hacia diálogos criminológicos verdes globales. Voces de las Américas y de Europa

El motivo de esta doble edición especial, publicada simultáneamente en dos idiomas y en dos revistas internacionales distinguidas, es apoyar el objetivo de la Criminología del Sur de nivelar las desigualdades en la valoración del conocimiento criminológico en el norte global y el sur global (Carrington, Dixon, et al., 2019; Carrington, Hogg, Scott, Sozzo, & Walters, 2019; Carrington, Hogg, & Sozzo, 2016). Al abrir ‘diálogos’ y colaboraciones entre el sur y el norte, nuestro propósito es resaltar las importantes contribuciones realizadas por las escritoras y escritores sobre el ambiente, la justicia y las buenas maneras de vivir la democratización del conocimiento y la búsqueda de la justicia cognitiva (Santos, 2009, 2014, 2018).

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